Location ID: 1-325143594
Location Name: Southside
Reference Number: 2017Q3B3RB0383NI
Dear Janet Wyatt
Please ensure that all correspondence relating to the PIR and Contact List includes the reference number listed above. This will help us resolve your query more efficiently.
Please note that this Reference is only for the ASC Inspections Team, please state your Location ID for any other queries.
As part of our new approach to inspecting adult social care services, we want to gather some information about your service ahead of the inspection. We have asked services to provide us with contact details for community health and social care professionals who have involvement with the service. We also have developed a form called the Provider Information Return (PIR) to collect information on how you are ensuring your service is safe, effective, caring, responsive to people’s needs, and well-led.
This email is to inform you that we have requested the above information for the following location:
According to our records your location ID number is – 1-325143594
And your location name is – Southside
The request has been sent to:
Registered Manager Name: Eileen Hodges
Registered Manager Email: eileen@southsidecare.co.uk
The Provider Information Return is due by: Friday 10th November 2017
The Contact List form is due by: Thursday 26th October 2017
Please note: If the above registered manager details are incorrect or have changed please provide us with alternative contact details by clicking on this link so the PIR and Contact List requests can be resent:
Click here to complete the update.
You must also send us a notification using our standard form. Please go to www.cqc.org.uk/content/notifications-non-nhs-trust-providers for the form and further information.
Please send us any changes by Thursday 19th October 2017; this will ensure the Registered Manager has adequate time to complete the Return.
If you experience issues accessing any links please try an alternative browser (for instance Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox) and copy and paste the link. We have recently upgraded our software to increase security, and technical support of our systems. You must not open the form on two computers simultaneously as the system will identify this as a breach and lock the form. When using the ‘save and exit’ function you will be given an alternative link which you can email to yourself as a reminder. You must only use the most recent link you have been sent in order to return to your saved form.
Best wishes
Andrea Sutcliffe
Chief Inspector for Adult Social Care