Front of House Refurbishments

25th April 2017

Visitors to The Beeches and Southside may have noticed that a lot of work is being done to the front of the properties. We’ve decided to do this work to improve the look of the homes and make them more welcoming and homely for the residents who live there. The work at both homes should be completed by May 2017, just in time for summer.


The work at Southside will include:

  • a new, enclosed bin area
  • new fencing
  • new signage
  • dismantling the walls to make access easier and allow for more car parking spaces
  • new plants and hanging baskets
  • re-tarmac of the driveway

The Beeches

The work at The Beeches will include:

  • clearance of the shrubs
  • raised planters added around driveway
  • restoration work to the front wall
  • ramp added to patio by back doors at rear of the property

We’d like to thank-you for your ongoing support during these disruptive works, and we hope you look forward to the seeing the refurbished frontages in the next few weeks.

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